Everyone Wants Fresh

Everyone Wants Local

Everyone Wants Hillside Harvests

Supply your business with what everyone wants.

Different Businesses in Central-Western Dane County supplied

We’re proud to supply the following businesses in the Central-Western Dane County area with our produce:

  • Mazomanie Hardware (seed potato)
  • Lancaster’s Piggly Wiggly
  • Sauk City Piggly Wiggly
  • Vessel Cafe
  • Remington’s 
  • Reyes Tacos
  • St Francis Xavier Catholic Church & School
  • Kopke’s Greenhouse (seed potato)
VarietyUnit of Measurement
BeetsBundle of 3
Brussel SproutsPound
Cabbage GreenPound
Cabbage RedPound
Corn Sweet Dozen
Cucumbers PicklingPound
Cucumbers SeedlessEach
Gold SquashEach
Herb BasilOunce
Herb CilantroOunce
Herb DillOunce
KohlrabiBundle of 3
Onions Red Pound
Onions WhitePound
Onions YellowPound
Peppers BananaEach
Peppers Green BellEach
Peppers HabenaroOunce
Peppers JalapenoPound
Peppers Orange BellPound
Peppers PablanoPound
Peppers Red BellPound
Peppers Yellow BellPound
Potatoes RedPound
Potatoes RussetPound
Potatoes YellowPound
Pumkpins Carving MediumEach
Pumpkins Carving LargeEach
Pumpkins Carving SmallEach
Pumpkins DecorativeEach
Pumpkins PiePound
Pumpkins WhiteEach
Squash AcornEach
Squash ButternutEach
Squash CarnivalEach
Squash SpaghettiEach
Tomato BeefsteakPound
Tomato CherryPound
Tomato RomaPound

We’ll do what we can to find a price that works for everyone: you, us, and especially your customers.

~Kyle Shimniok, Sales manager and Analyst

     We’re a small business like you, which means we understand that one price doesn’t won’t work for everybody. That’s why we work with the businesses we sell to by trying to find a price that works for all parties involved.

     When you have selected the produce and quantity which you want, please contact us using the information below. 



Brenda Rettenmund, Sole Proprietor 


Brenda Rettenmund, Sole Proprietor 

(608) 513-8789

Kyle Shimniok, Sales & Marketing

(608) 218-4134

Contact us on Facebook Messenger; we typically respond within two hours or less.